What To Discuss At A Dental Checkup

Through your regular dental checkups, you stay informed about the health of your smile. Routine appointments can lead to treatment if there are active problems, but even an appointment where no issues are identified will be beneficial. After all, you will receive a thorough teeth cleaning to keep your smile healthy, and you will have the chance to discuss your oral hygiene efforts at home. Sunny Smiles is here to help patients of all ages who want to keep their smiles in good condition. Because we support patients of all ages, you can bring your kids and talk to us about your own smile care needs!

Are You Making The Most Of Your Regular Checkups?

What does a regular dental checkup really involve? You will have your teeth thoroughly cleaned, and you will also enjoy preventive care in the form of a review to identify any active problems. What you can also enjoy is a chance to discuss any concerns you have about your well-being. That can mean more than just discussing oral hygiene. You can also receive feedback about issues like TMJ disorder, a problem that causes headaches, jaw stiffness, general discomfort, and more. You can also ask about how you can improve your smile care efforts and avoid difficulties in the future.

We Can Discuss Why You Have Issues With Jaw Pain And Stiffness

If you have problems with TMJ disorder, you can experience several problems that stop you from living comfortably. The issues you encounter can include problems with jaw movement, difficulties with pain in your jaw, face, and neck, and increasingly common headaches. Once we identify TMJ disorder as the reason for your discomfort, you can receive support that eases tension on your joints and muscles and improves your quality of life.

Looking For Ways To Improve Your Oral Hygiene Routine At Home

Whether you have recent issues with cavities and gum disease or just want to make sure your teeth stay healthy, you can benefit from asking questions to your dentist about your home smile care routine. Tips on better brushing and flossing are helpful, but remember that better decisions when it comes to your diet choices also matter. This support is especially helpful to younger patients who come in for pediatric dental services.

Talk To Sunny Smiles About Scheduling Your Next Dental Checkup

Dental checkups will help you protect your smile against threats like tooth decay, gum disease, and problems with your bite function. During your time in the dentist’s chair, you can even learn more about how to provide better care at home to keep yourself safe against future threats. If you have questions or want to know more about how we can take care of you, please contact your El Paso, TX, dentists by calling our practice at 915-849-9000.