Express Your Interest In Cosmetic Dentistry

What can you do to raise your confidence in your smile? For many people, issues like dental discoloration, misshapen teeth, malocclusion, and wear and tear can lead to discomfort with the way they look. These issues may not call for restorative work, but they can be treated successfully with the right cosmetic procedure. Sunny Smiles offers multiple cosmetic treatment options, and you may be surprised by just how effective one treatment can be at making significant improvements to the way you look. The sooner you look into your options, the sooner you can start showing off a dazzling smile to the people in your life!

What Can Cosmetic Dentistry Do For You?

People who express interest in cosmetic dentistry can have different priorities. For some, treatment is a means of addressing problems that have accumulated over time to make their teeth appear older and less healthy. For others, it is a chance to correct naturally occurring flaws that have made them self-conscious. We provide different services, which can help our patients address different priorities. We can address problems with the way you look with a more conservative approach that minimizes changes to your tooth structure, but we can also provide slim veneers that make long-lasting improvements through minor preparatory work.

Services To Restore The Color Of Your Smile

Dental discoloration is frequently a concern for people, especially as they age and more stains gather on their teeth. We can provide kits to patients that include potent bleaching agents and trays that make the daily application process easier. Over the recommended course of treatments, you can fight discoloration that has hurt your appearance. Patients often see their full results in less than two weeks.

For some individuals, a different approach to fighting discoloration is recommended. We can use porcelain veneers or tooth bonding services to cover intrinsic discoloration, a problem with the tooth structure that affects your smile color. A review of your teeth can tell us if this is something you should pursue instead of treatment with whitening agents.

Restoring Damaged Or Misshapen Teeth

The shape, size, and condition of individual teeth are obviously important to the quality of your smile. Booth tooth bonding and contouring work and porcelain veneers can take on these flaws to help you feel more comfortable with the way you look. Veneers require more preparatory work, and can take two appointments to place. Once you have received them, your restorations can provide lasting value, as the material used to make them is capable of holding up against years of biting and chewing. Bonding and contouring work can provide results in as little as one appointment. This can be a shorter treatment option to address certain teeth that stand out in your smile.

Talk To Sunny Smiles About Your Interest In Cosmetic Dentistry

Through cosmetic dentistry, Sunny Smiles can help patients enjoy more confidence in their smiles! For more information, contact your El Paso, TX, dentists by calling us at 915-849-9000.