A checkup allows our team to monitor your smile throughout the year and watch for signs of trouble. But how often do you really need to have one? In today’s blog, your El Paso, TX, dentists are talking about the importance of a checkup, and how often you should schedule one with our team.
The Reason We Suggest Six-Month Checkups
At a minimum, we want to see our patients once every six months. A twice-yearly visit means we can monitor your smile. Since most oral health problems take months to develop, this means routine visits allow us to identify developing problems in the earliest possible stages. The earlier we address problems, the sooner you can avoid complications and discomfort! The exam employs advanced technology to look at the teeth, gums, and oral structures, above and below the gums, to look for issues like tooth decay, dental infection, gingivitis, and gum disease. We also screen for oral cancer, and watch for jaw joint issues like TMJ disorder and bruxism (chronic teeth grinding).
Cleaning Your Smile
During your visit, our team will also thoroughly clean your smile. Brushing and flossing at home is essential for your smile, but not enough to remove plaque buildup from your teeth. Since plaque is a major risk factor in the onset of cavities and gum disease, removing this layer periodically is crucial. During your visit, we will use an ultrasonic scaler and manual tool to remove all plaque and tartar from your smile. We then polish your teeth thoroughly. Not only does this improve your oral health, but the process helps freshen your breath and can brighten your teeth a little too! If you have high risk factors for gum disease, then you may benefit from a cleaning every three to four months as opposed to six.
Creating Your Treatment Plan
If we do find an oral health concern, then we will create a treatment plan personalized for your smile. For example, if you have a cavity we may suggest a one-visit process to place a natural-looking filling. We could provide a deep cleaning (scaling and root planing) to control gingivitis, and lifelike restorations like crowns to address damage or infected teeth. If you have any questions about our routine visits, or if you would like to schedule one soon, then contact our team today.
At Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX, our team is ready to help you maintain your best possible smile with routine care. To learn more about our preventive approach to dentistry, then contact your El Paso, TX, dentists at Sunny Smiles on Dyer Street by calling 915-859-7000.