We all snore sometimes, and it isn’t usually a big deal. But what if we snore every night? What if we sometimes wake suddenly while doing so? In some cases, this annoying habit could actually be a symptom of something much more serious. When does your snoring need treatment from your El Paso, TX, dentists?
The Start of Snoring
We snore when our breathing is partially obstructed as we sleep, often by the collapse of soft tissues. As we breathe and air is forced past these tissues, this causes vibrations and creates a loud noise. The issue could arise when we rest on our backs instead of our side, if we consume too much alcohol before going to bed, or as a result of neck circumference or obesity. However, if you snore nearly every night, this could point a more serious issue, and one you should see our team about.
The Link to Sleep Apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea happens when our airways are completely blocked as we breathe. We stop breathing when soft issues completely block the air passages, and the brain will wake us to start again. We may not remember these episodes, but they can happen dozens of times per hour for some people. Unless treated, this disorder could lead to a strained immune system, so you become sick more frequently. In addition, the stress on your cardiovascular system could eventually lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and heart attack. Snoring is a common symptom, as is waking suddenly in the night struggling to breathe, gasping for air, experiencing daytime drowsiness, dry mouth and headaches, moodiness, and difficulty concentrating on tasks at work or school.
Treatment and Better Rest Habits
If you begin to experience any of the symptoms we discussed above, let us know. We can take a series of images and impressions of your smile, using them to design a unique device you wear as you sleep. The oral appliance will look and fit much like a mouthguard, but actually helps move the jaw forward to prevent the collapse of soft tissues. You avoid sleep apnea symptoms, and also enjoy a reduction in snoring episodes. We could also discuss better resting habits too, like maintaining a regular sleep schedule, keeping your bedroom dark, cool, and free of screens (TV, computer, smartphone), and avoiding large meals, caffeine, or excessive amounts of alcohol before bed. If you have any questions about treating sleep issues, then contact our team today.
At Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX, we know better sleep is a key to a better day, which is why we offer preventive solutions. For more information on our preventive treatments, contact our N. Zaragoza dental practice by calling 915-849-9000.