When You Grind Your Teeth Too Much

grindingGrinding your teeth is natural, especially when you’re stressed, distraught, or angry. But for some people, it’s more than just an occasional thing – it’s a condition (known as bruxism) that should be addressed as soon as possible. When you grind your teeth too much, the action can become a threat to your dental health in more ways than one. Fortunately, your dentist has an answer, and it’s usually as simple as wearing a custom-designed night guard to protect

What Causes Bruxism?

As a normal occurrence, teeth-grinding can result from a number of things. For instance, if you’re tense, then your muscles may tighten, including the ones in your jaw, which can force your teeth to clench together. For patients with bruxism, the reasons can be just as diverse. Causes may range from undue amounts of daily stress, a misalignment of the upper and lower jaw, or problems with your bite’s proper function, like TMJ disorder.

Common Signs that You Need Bruxism Treatment

Just because you catch yourself clenching your teeth as you read this doesn’t mean you should necessarily drop everything and visit your dentist right away. However, if you notice that grind your teeth consistently, or if your sleep partner complains that you grind your teeth noisily as you sleep, then you should consider a bruxism assessment. Other warning signs of bruxism may include:

  • Loud, uncontrollable teeth-grinding
  • Persistently sensitive teeth, especially in the morning
  • Chronic headaches and migraines
  • Pain and soreness in your jaw and facial muscles
  • Excessive wear on your teeth’s chewing surfaces
  • Damage to one or more teeth, especially on the chewing surfaces
  • And more