Category: Gum Disease

Take Time For Your Gum Health

take time your gums el paso tx

Your smile does a lot for you, helping you to chew, speak, and give off that wonderful smile. But in order to do look and function their best, our teeth need the help of the surrounding tissue, and that means that your gums are a huge part of your oral health journey. Keeping up with… Read more »

Working Toward Healthy Gums

healthy gums el paso tx

While your teeth are certainly the stars of the show, your mouth needs comprehensive care. That means that when you go a little too light on your brushing and flossing, you could start to notice a change in your gumline. When recession, swelling, or redness start to occur, then it’s time to talk to a… Read more »

Taking Enough Time For Your Gums?

time for your gums el paso

You know that you need to brush twice a day, for two full minutes each time; and we certainly hope that you’re sticking to your schedule, so you keep your teeth clean. Unfortunately, people can struggle to find the time for their flossing, leaving a lot of their smile to collect plaque and tartar buildup…. Read more »

Keep Up With Your Gum Health

Keep up with your gum health el paso tx

Your smile is not just your teeth. You have a range of different forms of tissue that make up your mouth, and if your oral health regimen is ignoring some areas, you could be at real risk. Without adequate brushing and flossing, plaque bacteria can start to pile up, eventually calcifying into harder tartar. This… Read more »

Have A Gum Health Holiday

gum health el paso tx

This time of the year can be rather hectic. But while you’re packing your bags and wrapping your presents, make sure that you are keeping the focus on your smile. Your gum health makes a difference all year round, and sticking to your schedule of biannual checkups is a great way to stay on top… Read more »

Focus On Your Gum Health

focus on your gum health el paso tx

Your smile is more than just your teeth. While we know that they are the stars in the show, there are other parts that make up the supporting cast. It’s hard to talk about oral health without mentioning your gums, and your periodontal tissue provides serious support for your smile. When you take care of… Read more »

Take Steps To Uplift Your Gum Health

gum health el paso tx

Having a strong smile means having a set of teeth that you can trust. To do that, you need to have a dedication to keeping your gum health at a high level. Your periodontal tissue provides critical support for your teeth, and it can become inflamed or infected if not cared for properly. It can… Read more »

Keeping Up With Your Gum Health

gum health el paso tx

Your smile is about more than just your teeth. While we know that they are the stars of the show, they need some help from the supporting cast, and it is hard to talk about them without bringing up your gums. Periodontal tissue provides serious support for your smile, so it is important to make… Read more »

Caring For Your Whole Smile

whole smile el paso tx

Are you taking the time to care for your dental health? Regular check-ups are vital for maintaining a healthy smile. Most people need to see their dentist at least twice a year for cleanings and exams, and if you haven’t been in for a while, it’s time to schedule an appointment. These visits offer a… Read more »

Take Care Of Your Gums!

take care of your gums el paso tx

Your gum health makes a real difference for your oral and overall health, so why have you been skipping your flossing? Approximately 40% of your tooth’s surface can only be cleaned with the use of dental floss or an interdental brush, so if you are relying on your toothbrush alone to keep you safe, it’s… Read more »