A dental bridge is a common, and highly effective, solution for dealing with the loss of a tooth. It’s highly lifelike pontic (the replacement for your lost tooth) and the dental crowns that support it are designed to closely mimic your healthy, natural teeth. Also, the porcelain used to make most modern bridges is durable enough to restore your bite’s full function. If necessary, a bridge can even replace multiple, adjacent lost teeth with an appropriate number of pontics to fill the gap in your smile. At our El Paso, TX, dental office, we can custom-design a bridge to match your unique needs – including one supported by dental implants.
For a single lost tooth
A dental implant post is meant to mimic a lost tooth’s root, and is therefore inserted into the jawbone. On a traditional dental bridge, the pontic is supported by dental crowns that are bonded onto the healthy remaining teeth on either side of the gap. However, if you’ve only lost one tooth, then a dental implant can replace it without needing to modify your remaining healthy teeth. The implant post can support a custom-designed dental crown, creating a more lifelike replacement for both the root and crown of your lost tooth.
For multiple lost teeth
If you’ve lost multiple adjacent teeth, then a single implant and crown won’t be enough to replace them all. However, a custom-made dental bridge, complete with an appropriate number of pontics, can be supported on one or more dental implant posts. The posts can be strategically placed to offer optimal support for your bridge, and will still help you avoid having to modify your healthy to keep your prosthesis in place.
The long-term advantages
By supporting a dental crown or bridge on one or more dental implants, you can enjoy significant advantages over more traditional prostheses. For example, keeping your remaining healthy teeth whole and unmodified improves their long-term health, reducing their risks of suffering damage or developing decay. Also, the replacement of your lost teeth roots reestablishes stimulation in your jawbone, which reduces the risks of jawbone erosion and the risks of losing more teeth in the future.
Implanted support for your bridge
Whether you’ve recently lost a tooth or have worn a dental bridge for years, your smile and long-term oral health may benefit more from supporting your replacement tooth/teeth on dental implants. For more information, schedule a consultation by calling the Sunny Smiles dental office nearest you in El Paso, TX, today! We also have offices in Chaparral, Canutillo, and Vinton so we can easily serve patients throughout all surrounding communities.