Spring Into A Safer Smile

safer smile A Spring Smile el paso txAre you taking the time to keep up with your smile? Well, if you are skipping your routine biannual checkups, then you are not doing all that you can to keep yourself safe. Common dental concerns like tooth decay and gingivitis can start to occur when you ignore your oral health maintenance, so make sure that you are sticking to your schedule of prevention, starting by seeing your provider once every six months. We’re here to help you reach a safer smile, but you have to show up!

With our team at Sunny Smiles, you can keep the focus on your smile. As we head into spring, it is important to make sure that you stay on schedule with your biannual checkups, so if it has been longer than six months since the last time that you came in, it is time for your next visit. And when you’re ready, we are too; come keep up with your oral health maintenance with a trusted, local dental team.

The start of spring is a great time for your next checkup. Call Sunny Smiles today.

When Was Your Last Dental Appointment?

If you are having a tough time trying to remember, it might be a sign to call your dentist and schedule a checkup. For most people, the goal is to see the dentist for a cleaning and examination twice each year, so if it has been longer than six months since your last visit, then you are due for an appointment. And when you skip them, it puts you at real oral health risk.

While you wait to call your provider, plaque and tartar buildup can start to happen along your gumline and on the surface of your teeth. Even when you brush and floss like you should, there still may be areas where you can’t reach fully, and our team is here to help. With a thorough cleaning of your smile, you can stay safer.

Ask About Brightening Your Smile

At your appointment, it is not just your chance for a cleaning; it’s also your opportunity to ask about ways to improve your oral health. For some people, their enamel stains have been holding them back, and when you want to reach a brighter smile, your biannual checkup is a great place to start. So, the next time you are in the office, speak with your dentist about all of your options, including safe and effective teeth whitening from Philips Zoom!

Experience A Safer Smile With Sunny Smiles

When you skip your checkups, you put yourself at real oral health risk. So, when it’s time to spring into a safer smile, call Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX at 915.759.7000 and schedule your next visit!