As your teen’s smile develops, it is important to keep a close eye on their oral health. Just like you do, they need consistent checkups with their provider. This means that if you have been a little too laid back in your approach to their oral health needs, you could be putting them at risk of tooth decay and gingivitis. It also keeps their dentist in the dark about the development of their wisdom teeth, and that can be a real problem for their smile moving forward.
With our team of caring dental professionals at Sunny Smiles, you have the opportunity to keep your teen up to date with their imagery. By sticking close to the dentist during their adolescent years, you help them to stay on top of their smile, and when it comes to their wisdom teeth, this can make a difference. Make an appointment with our team today, and let’s talk about your teen’s wisdom teeth.
Why Do We Even Have Wisdom Teeth, Anyway?
This is one of the first questions that people have about the development of their third molars. And it is a valid one! Why do we need to have an additional set of molars, if the ones that we already have are enough to do the job?
The answer to this lies in the biological process of evolution. When we ate primarily raw meat, we needed stronger chewing power, which came from having tougher jaws and wider faces. As we started to cook our meals, the food became softer, and we no longer needed the ability to rip raw meat from the bone. Human faces started to become slimmer, and unfortunately, that does not leave a lot of extra room in the mouth for extra teeth. When those teeth start to push the others around, it can become a serious smile issue, so be sure to talk to your teen’s dentist about their timeline.
Does My Teen Need A Wisdom Tooth Extraction?
Without an examination and advanced imagery, it is hard to tell. But a significant portion of patients will require an extraction of some or all of their wisdom teeth in order to keep their current ones safe. So, it is vital to stick to their timeline of cleanings and examinations during their adolescent years in order to track their development. If you have been skipping their appointments, you put them at risk. It’s time to get them back on the right pathway.
Schedule An Appointment At Sunny Smiles!
If your teen’s reaching later adolescence, they need to stick close to their dentist. To find out more about wisdom teeth, call our office at Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX, today at 915.759.7000!