Sleep Apnea Keeping You Up All Night?

sleep apnea el paso txIf your loved ones have started to bring up their concern over your loud or aggressive snoring, it is possible that they are making a great point. Snoring can be a sign of a common sleep disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea, which happens during your deepest form of slumber. OSA can become a significant problem for your overall health, so it is important to find a course of treatment that not only works but is also comfortable enough for you to use each and every night.

This Halloween, spend more time focusing on having fun, and less time worrying about your sleep apnea. With Sunny Smiles, you can take steps to confront your common sleep disorder, while avoiding the hoses and masks associated with traditional CPAP therapy. This is made possible through the use of a slim oral appliance, which keeps the airway open all night ling with a simple readjustment of the placing of your jaw. Schedule an appointment today to talk about a better night of sleep!

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Can Cause Serious Health Risks

Your snoring could be a sign of something more. It could be a symptom of a prevalent sleep disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea. This condition happens in your deepest sleep, known as REM, or rapid eye movement. During this time, your body acts in a slightly different way than normal, and your throat tissue can soften. When your throat or palate soften to the point where it blocks the airway, it can prevent you from drawing a complete breath.

OSA can lead to some serious health complications, including an elevated risk of experiencing a heart attack or stroke. Patients with this condition can also feel a general malaise throughout the day due to the lack of quality sleep. But often, people turn away from traditional sources of relief like CPAP due to their intrusion.

Oral Appliance Therapy Offers A More Comfortable Solution

If you have been diagnosed with chronic obstructive sleep apnea, then you need to talk to your health team about ways to address your condition. At our office, we offer an alternative to CPAP that needs no outlet to be effective. Oral appliance therapy uses a slim mouthguard-like device to adjust the way that your jaw sits during sleep. Often, this small change is enough to keep the airway open all night long.

Discover A Better Sleep With Sunny Smiles!

Are you tired of struggling with your sleep? Then talk to our team about your options in sleep apnea treatment. To find out more about oral appliance therapy for OSA, call Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX at 915.759.7000 today!