Call Us When You Break Or Crack A Tooth

crack a tooth el paso txIf you break or crack a tooth, then it is time to talk to your dentist about the situation. Even when it sems like minor damage, you could have removed the enamel from the surface, leaving you at risk of some very serious problems. Your enamel plays a huge role in your ability to block infection within the tooth, meaning that you could be in store for a nagging toothache if you do not address this quickly.

At Sunny Smiles, our team is here to help you to improve and maintain your oral health. Sometimes, that means taking the time for restoration, and we offer a range of helpful solutions, all designed to help you correct a problem once it has occurred. Dental damage is one of the more common things that we see, but that does not mean that it is not a serious situation. Stop waiting to talk to your dentist about your cracked or broken tooth; give us a call today to schedule an appointment!

Your Enamel Naturally Blocks Bacterial Growth

The outer coating of your tooth is made up of a material known as your enamel. This is the hardest substance in your body, even tougher than bone, but that does not mean that it cannot be damaged. Sometimes, injuries or tooth decay can leave you with a broken tooth. And this can become a real problem for the health of your smile.

Since enamel normally provides a durable barrier between the chaos of your mouth and the vulnerable structures within your tooth, an injury can leave you open to risk. Bacteria can quickly make their way through the porous, softer dentin and make their way in the soft, fleshy pulp. When this happens, you become at risk of developing a serious toothache that just will not go away. Even when you simply crack a tooth, it can be susceptible to bacterial infection, so it is important to meet with your dentist if you have experienced an injury to your smile.

Find Your Restoration With A Trusted Team

At our office in El Paso, we know that reaching a quick resolution to a cracked or broken tooth can make all the difference. Being prompt can help you to avoid further deterioration brought on by bacterial growth, and it can also be a good way of stopping infection in its tracks. Talk to your provider about whether a root canal treatment process is necessary to help, and if so, do not put it off!

Call Us When You Crack A Tooth

Ready for a renewal? When you break or crack a tooth, call Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX at 915.759.7000 to talk about your next steps.