Time for Your Fall Checkup?

fall checkup el paso txYour dental appointments are a pivotal part of your prevention, so it is important to stick to your schedule of treatment. For most people, this means coming into the office every six months for a routine cleaning and examination. These appointments bring numerous benefits, including a removal of harmful bacterial biofilm of plaque and tartar. This is also your opportunity to have a real discussion with your oral health provider, and a fall checkup can be your time to do it.

At Sunny Smiles, we are here to help people maintain and improve their oral health, and that’s why we make a point to bring you in for routine cleanings and examinations twice a year. This schedule has been designed by dental professionals and organizations across the world, giving you a timeline of treatment that’s intended to prevent major harm before it occurs. While you wait to schedule your next biannual dental checkup and cleaning, plaque and tartar accumulation can start to pose real problems for your smile, including tooth decay and periodontal disease. Stay on top of your oral health with a visit to our clinic in El Paso!

Have You Been Avoiding The Dentist?

If you are like many Texans, you take a little too long to call your dentist to make an appointment. But there are real dangers that come with avoiding biannual dental checkups and cleanings, so you should take the time to make sure that you stay on a positive schedule of treatment. Most people need to see the dentist at least twice each year for a cleaning and examination, meaning that if you still have not been in yet in 2024, you are running behind.

Erasing Plaque And Tartar At Your Fall Checkup

When you visit the dentist for a biannual checkup, your visit includes a routine cleaning of the surface of your teeth to remove any plaque or tartar accumulation that has formed since your last appointment. This is a very helpful part of your time with us, as these forms of bacterial biofilm can cause major damage. Waiting to see your provider puts you at risk of a range of common oral health issues like tooth decay and periodontal disease, which is the leading cause of adult tooth loss in this country. Your fall checkup can help you to avoid these problems through positive prevention. Take advantage of your opportunity!

Schedule Your Fall Checkup With Sunny Smiles!

Your visits with your dentist make a difference. Be sure to stick to your schedule of preventive dental care with a fall checkup. To find out more about us or to set aside a time for a visit, call Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry at 915.759.7000 today!