Restoring Your Smile After Damage

El Paso, TX, dentist offers restorations for patients

In our last blog, we discussed different ways to improve your smile. This could include treatments like professional teeth whitening, which helps remove stains and brighten your teeth, and many other cosmetic services. These options are helpful for patients with visual concerns of their smile, but what can be done about injuries to your pearly whites? The team at Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX, is here today to talk about your options.

Visit Your Dentist Promptly After An Injury

If you have harmed a tooth, it’s important that you seek professional treatment as soon as possible. While a simple injury like a chip or crack may seem like something you can manage on your own, it can turn into a worsening problem if it is not treated promptly. After harm has occurred to your smile, call our team to schedule an emergency visit as soon as possible. Our team may give you instructions on how to care for the area until you can come in. During your appointment, the dentist will examine your smile and determine what the best plan of action may be.

Dental Crowns Could Correct Damaged Teeth

One common type of injury that patients can experience is worn down, chipped, or broken dental structures. When this happens, the area may be sensitive or uncomfortable when you try to eat or speak. A dental crown may be able to help restore the area by protecting the entire tooth and preventing further injury. A dental crown may be made of lifelike materials that blend in with your smile, such as porcelain or zirconia. Your dentist will take measurements of the area, and a lab will custom create this restoration. When it’s ready, it will be secured in place and may last several years with proper care. Along with it’s restorative purposes, it may also be used in combination with a dental implant to replace a missing tooth.

Cavities Can Be Treated With Dental Fillings

Cavities can happen to anyone, even when you practice a good oral hygiene routine. During your biannual examinations, your dentist will check for signs of decay and other concerns. If you have a cavity, they will likely recommend that you come in as soon as possible to have the cavity treated with a dental filling. Ignoring a cavity or putting off treatment can allow the decay to worsen and potentially become infected, so be sure to have this treatment done promptly.

Find Out More About Restorations Today

Whether you need a cavity filled or a dental crown placed over a broken tooth, our team is here to help. Call Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX, today at 915.759.7000 to schedule an appointment.