Keep An Eye On Your Oral Health

keep an eye on your oral health el paso txYour smile needs consistent maintenance, and that takes place both at home and in the dental office. In between your trips to the dentist for a biannual checkup and cleaning, the responsibility of handling your oral health falls squarely on your shoulders, and this means sticking to your schedule when it comes to your brushing and flossing. There may be areas where your toothbrush or floss is simply not doing the job during your routine health hygiene; your visits with a professional help you to have a guiding hand and a smile free of plaque and tartar.

At Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX, we understand the importance of your semiannual dental checkups. Most people require these appointments every six months, so if you have not been in to see your dentist for a cleaning and examination yet in 2024, it is time for your next visit. While you are in the chair, be sure to ask your dentist about any changes that you have seen to your smile, including any redness or swelling along your gumline. You can also talk to them about seeing an improvement with cosmetic teeth whitening or more, so schedule your next checkup today!

How Long Has It Been Since Your Last Checkup?

If you are struggling to remember, then it is time to talk to your local dentist about coming in for a cleaning and an examination. Most Americans need to see the dentist at least twice during each year, and some can benefit from some extra care. So, if you’ve let it slip in 2024, this is your opportunity to make a change to your routine.

Your checkup includes a few distinct parts, all designed to help you manage and improve your oral health. This visit can entail a cleaning, advanced imagery of your smile, and a talk with your dental provider. Each of these services helps to maintain a healthy smile, and while you wait, your plaque and tartar buildup could be doing damage.

Experience A Fresher, Cleaner Smile With Your Dentist

One of the essential services that dental offices provide is a cleaning of the surface of the teeth and along the gumline. Even with a dedication to your brushing and flossing, plaque and tartar can start to form in areas where your toothbrush cannot easily reach. At your appointment, a trained dental hygienist can remove your bacterial buildup with advanced ultrasonic scaling, helping you to have a fresher feeling and a cleaner smile.

Schedule Your Next Checkup At Sunny Smiles

Your smile maintenance matters, so be sure that you are putting the right emphasis on your oral health. To find out more about our services, call Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX, today at 915.759.7000!