Comfortable, Quiet Oral Appliance Therapy

oral appliance therapy el paso txDo you struggle with your sleep? It could be a sign of a common sleep disorder, and two of the five most prevalent of these conditions are related to your oral health. If your loved ones have started to bring up their concern over your loud snoring, this is a frequent sign of obstructive sleep apnea, which blocks the airway during sleep. Sleep apnea is not the only oral health-centered sleep disorder, either, as chronic teeth grinding known as bruxism can also cause potential problems. Oral appliance therapy is designed to help these conditions, and treatment starts with a call to your provider.

At Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX, we offer a quieter, more convenient form of sleep apnea treatment through the use of a simple oral appliance. This method works by gently repositioning the jaw in order to prevent your throat tissue from touching. It can also help you to throw away the hoses and electrical cords of your previous treatment; so, if you have been avoiding your traditional CPAP machine due to the noise and intrusion, call us today to learn about a different approach!

Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea That Harmful To My Health?

Obstructive sleep apnea occurs during the deepest form of sleep. In REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, your body acts a little differently than it does at other times, and when this affects the structure of the throat, then it can become a problem. The tissue can become soft enough that it blocks the airway, preventing a free flow of oxygen to the body and the brain.

If left untreated, chronic obstructive sleep apnea can significantly increase your risk of some serious health conditions. Those with OSA are more likely to experience heart attack and stroke due to hypertension. They are also at an elevated likelihood of developing Type II diabetes, so it is important to find a course of treatment that works for you.

Discover A CPAP Alternative With Oral Appliance Therapy

For many people, traditional OSA treatment methods are annoying and cumbersome. If you have been searching for a reason to throw away your CPAP machine, oral appliance therapy gives you a few. This approach works in a slightly different way, keeping the airway open by shifting the position of the jaw or tongue. With oral appliance therapy, you can toss your treatment into your bag and take it wherever you go, no outlet required.

Find A Sleep Solution At Sunny Smiles!

Sleep apnea can really hold you back. It can also put you at risk of serious health conditions like stroke and heart attack. To find out more about oral appliance therapy for OSA, give us a call at Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX, today at 915.759.7000.