Grind Your Teeth? Learn More About Oral Appliance Therapy

grind your teeth el paso txIf you grind your teeth at night, it can start to pose serious problems for your smile, so it is important to learn about your options in treatment. Bruxism can lead to flattened molars and shortened incisors due to enamel erosion from the contact of your top and bottom teeth, and the action can also shift the location of your teeth along your oral ridge. This could mean the need for orthodontic correction, dental procedures, and more.

At our helpful dental office in El Paso, TX, we offer a comfortable and convenient approach to bruxism treatment. Through the use of a simple oral appliance, you can prevent your teeth from collision during sleep, helping you to protect your enamel and maintain your alignment. Oral appliance therapy can also be effective in the management of obstructive sleep apnea, which is a common sleep disorder that causes loud snoring and disrupted rest. To find out more about oral appliance therapy for obstructive sleep apnea or sleep bruxism, call our office today!

If You Grind Your Teeth, It Can Cause Dental Damage

Teeth grinding is a common habit, and when it happens during the day, you may be able to redirect the energy into chewing a healthy snack. At night, however, this condition can spell serious trouble for your oral health. Sleep bruxism is the term for this condition, and it can lead to enamel erosion where your teeth make contact overnight. It can also affect your alignment, so if you have started to notice a change in your bite, take the time to talk to an oral health professional.

An oral appliance helps to treat sleep bruxism by preventing your teeth from touching during sleep. Through the use of a slim and convenient oral appliance, you help protect your smile from damage due to your overnight grinding.

Struggling With Your Sleep? Talk To A Professional About Oral Appliance Therapy

Another prevalent sleep disorder is known as obstructive sleep apnea, and this condition can pose dangerous health risks if left untreated. This happens during your deepest form of sleep, when the body acts in a slightly different way than it does at other times. If the tissue of the throat becomes too soft, it can block the airway, preventing the free flow of oxygen. Over time, this increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and more. With an oral appliance, you can take steps to improve your rest and keep your health in mind.

Learn More About Oral Appliances With Sunny Smiles!

Are you struggling with your sleep due to bruxism or undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnea? To find out more about how an oral appliance helps treat these common sleep disorders, call Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX, today at 915.759.7000.