When Is Root Canal Treatment Necessary?

El Paso, TX, dentist offers root canal treatments

In our last blog, we mentioned that root canals may be necessary if your cavity cannot be treated with a filling. It can be used for deep decay, toothaches, extreme damage, and other concerns. This restorative option may seem intimidating for patients because it is slightly more invasive. The team at Sunny Smiles can help guide you through this procedure and help you feel at ease.

Addressing More Serious Cavities

As you may already know, cavities can often be treated with dental fillings. This restoration involves removing the damaged part of your tooth and replacing it with a stronger material. Composite resin is a popular choice for this restoration today. In the past, options like metal, amalgam, or porcelain may have been used instead. This treatment is used if the enamel and dentin of your dental structure have been eroded. However, if the cavity reaches the pulp, root canal therapy may be required instead. This is because the dentist will need to reach a deeper layer of your tooth. The process can be more extensive than a simple filling and recovery time may take a few days. The benefit of this procedure is that it can relieve pain and restore your smile.

Sudden And Persistent Toothaches

This type of discomfort and sensitivity could be caused by a variety of reasons. Injuries to the area, bruxism, fillings, and more could cause pain to your tooth. In some cases, this discomfort may be due to a cavity or abscess. If this pain comes on suddenly and does not go away, it’s important that you visit your dentist as soon as possible to have the area looked at. The team will examine your oral cavity and try to find the root cause of this problem. If it is due to an infection or serious decay, root canal treatment can be done to relieve your discomfort.

If You Have Injured Your Smile

Usually, a dental crown can be used to repair a chip or crack on your tooth’s surface. If the injury is more severe, root canal treatment may be used to relieve discomfort and save the structure from needing to be extracted. Once you have healed from this procedure, a crown can be placed on top for extra strength and protection. The crown can help improve the function of the injured area and prevent further harm. It will be created to match your other pearly whites and look natural. After having this restoration done, you will continue taking care of your smile as usual. In many cases, a dental crown can last for longer than five years with proper maintenance.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

If you have an aching tooth, we may be able to help. Call Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX, today at 915.759.7000 to talk to our team.