How Fillings Help Treat Tooth Decay

El Paso, TX, dentist offers restorative treatments like fillings for cavities

Cavities can occur even when you do your best to prevent them. If you are experiencing tooth decay, you may notice signs such as sensitivity to certain foods or an ache. When this happens to you, it’s important to seek care as soon as possible. Your Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry offers dental fillings that can help stop the progression of a cavity and restore your pearly whites.

Reducing The Chances Of Decay

Cavities are a prevalent problem among patients. It’s estimated that nearly all Americans will have at least one in their lifetime. This may be due to a combination of your diet, lifestyle choices, and oral hygiene routine. While this problem can be treated, preventive measures can help reduce the need for restorations in the future. These precautions can start at home with a consistent oral hygiene routine and a well-balanced diet. Biannual dental visits are another proactive step you can take. These checkups help detect potential issues early and keep your smile healthy.

When A Restoration Is Necessary

At your checkup, plaque will be removed from your teeth and your dentist will examine your oral cavity to look for signs of decay, gingivitis, or other worries. Decay may be noticed through white spots, a change in the texture of your tooth, or through X-ray images. If these signs are found, your team will likely recommend a restoration. It’s important to have this done promptly to avoid the cavity from worsening.

Fillings are a fairly straightforward process. The decayed part of your dental structure will be removed, the area will be cleaned, and a material will be added to the remaining space. This allows your tooth to regain its appearance and function. There are many types of materials available for fillings, but we opt for composite resin because it is safe, durable, and appears lifelike.

Don’t Ignore A Cavity

It’s important that you have this restoration done as soon as possible if a cavity is found. If this treatment is put off for too long, the cavity can continue to wear down the layers of your tooth. Once it reaches the pulp, a root canal may be necessary instead. This procedure is more invasive than a simple filling.

The pulp contains blood vessels and nerves inside of your tooth. When a cavity reaches this deep layer, it can cause extreme discomfort and sensitivity. To address this, the damaged pulp will need to be taken out and a stronger material will need to be added. In severe instances, your tooth may need to be removed instead. It could take several days to recover from this procedure, whereas recovering from a filling may only take a few hours.

Learn More About Your Options Today

Don’t put off treatment for cavities. To schedule an appointment with Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, call us at 915.759.7000.