Restore Your Tooth With An Implant Prosthetic

El Paso, TX, Dental Implant

Have you lost one of your teeth recently? If so, you know how sudden the change can affect your smile and bite. While the esthetic impact of tooth loss is apparent, you quickly learn how your smile’s function becomes compromised. Simple abilities like enjoying your favorite foods can become difficult as you avoid harming the sensitive open socket in your jaw. Because we rely on our teeth to form speech, the sound of your voice can alter strangely. Without a replacement, neighboring teeth begin to drift out of position, increasing problems with dental misalignment. This can increase your risk for decay and infection as certain teeth wear away from disproportionate bite force. Fortunately, we can restore your smile with the aid of a dental implant prosthetic.

At Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry, we offer restorative treatments to repair smiles after tooth loss. When designing a custom prosthetic, we take careful measurements of your oral structures to ensure a comfortable fit that complements the natural members of your smile. This means selecting the shape and color of your replacement tooth to look at home in your bite. By returning stimulation to your jawbone under the socket, a dental implant can help maintain the shape of your face.

What Happens When You Lose A Tooth?

While losing your baby teeth is a rite of passage in childhood, no one leaves cash under your pillow after losing a tooth as an adult! While dental loss has a variety of contributing factors, many of them are under our control. Failing to maintain proper oral hygiene can allow decay to destroy the natural material of your tooth’s structure. Without treatment, this can get to a point where a dental filling or crown is unable to restore your tooth. When this happens, we suggest extracting the tooth to prevent decay from spreading to other parts of your smile.

The primary cause of adult tooth loss is the advanced form of gum disease. As the disease progresses, it destroys the connective tissue that holds your teeth secure. By providing periodontal maintenance therapy, we can help you put the disease in remission and maintain your remaining teeth.

Receiving A Dental Implant

We can insert an implant post directly through your socket to fuse with your oral tissues. After healing from placement, an abutment post at the end of your implant allows for an above-the-gumline prosthetic. For individual teeth, we recommend dental crowns. Multiple missing teeth may be replaced by a dental bridge or implant-supported denture.


A dental implant can help preserve your smile after losing a tooth. To learn more about restorative treatment or plan your next visit, please call our Sunny Smiles location on N Zaragoza Rd in El Paso, TX at (915) 849-9000.