Does Your Child Need A Minimal Restoration?

minimal restorations for children

When a child complains about a toothache, or if a tooth needs emergency care for a chip or fracture, then you need to see your El Paso, TX, dentists. In today’s blog, we’re going to look at how we create and place minimal restorations to provide durable, long-lasting, and lifelike treatment for serious concerns like tooth decay or injury!

The Warning Signs of a Cavity

How do you know if your child has a cavity? Well, if you bring your little one in for routine exams every six months, then we can look at the smile for common warning signs of developing decay, often addressing the issue before your child experiences discomfort. Otherwise, you may not know your child needs treatment until he or she reports tooth sensitivity, particularly to hot or cold foods and drinks, and toothaches that seem to grow more severe with time. If this happens, let us know.

Emergency Treatment for Injuries

Emergency dentistry means we’re available 24/7, even outside of normal business hours, to address serious concenters, such as chipped, cracked, or knocked-out teeth. However, if your child (or you) suffers from a severe aches or sensitivity, this could mean immediate attention is needed. If the tooth is hurting, then the cavity is likely at a later stage and the risk of infection or abscess is much higher. Remember, even if decay occurs in baby teeth, they may not fall out naturally for months or even years, so ignoring a toothache means the tooth could become infected or prematurely lost, which increases the risk of dental misalignment in the teen years.

Placing Minimal Restorations

To treat a cavity, or to repair minor chips or cracks, we may suggest a minimal restoration. Also known as a filling, this involves removing decay from the tooth and then preparing a metal-free composite resin. A blend of glass and acrylic, this material can be shaded to match the color of surrounding teeth. We remove any decay and then apply the material in several layers. Next, we shape the tooth as we cure it with a special light. The final step involves polishing it thoroughly for a more lifelike appearance. In a single sitting, our team can improve the health and beauty of your little one’s smile! If you have any questions, or if your kid needs to see our team, then please contact our office today!


At Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX, our team is here to help your kids enjoy optimal oral health. To learn more about our approach to children’s dentistry, then contact your El Paso, TX, dentists at Sunny Smiles on Dyer Street by calling 915-859-7000.