Uplift Your Gum Health

Your Gum Health el paso txYour smile is more than just your teeth. While they certainly are the stars of the show, you need to take care of your entire smile, and that means taking the time to focus on your gum health. Periodontal disease is routinely identified as the leading cause of tooth loss in this country and abroad, so it is important to keep an eye on them. Our team is here to help with dedicated prevention and periodontal services.

Here at Sunny Smiles, we work to fight back against plaque and tartar. Bacterial accumulation is a major reason why gums become inflamed and infected, and your routine dental checkups are there to catch the areas where you miss during brushing and flossing. So, don’t put off your cleanings and examinations any longer, and instead, find your way back to a trusted, local dentist. We are ready when you are.

Find out more about improving your gum health. Call Sunny Smiles today.

Are You Staying Up To Date With Your Dental Checkups?

If you are like many El Pasoans, then you struggle with finding the time for your routine dental checkups. But even when it’s difficult to open up your schedule for a few minutes, your visits to the dentist are highly important for your oral health. They include both a cleaning and an examination, helping you to stay on top of any problems that have started since your last appointment. That also means that when you wait to schedule yours, your oral health maintenance is your responsibility, and you cannot do it all on your own.

While you put off your checkups, plaque and tartar accumulation can start to pose real problems. This can lead to tooth decay and cavities; it can also start to irritate and inflame your gum tissue, and this puts your smile at real risk. Call your dentist if you start to notice a shift in your gumline.

Your Gum Health Is A Big Part Of Your Maintenance

Oral health means the health of your entire mouth, not just your teeth. When you only focus on brushing your teeth, you can miss out on caring for your gums, and that can put everything in danger. So, be sure that you are flossing, and that you are sticking to your schedule of checkups. If your dentist recommends a deeper clean to keep your gums safe, ask how periodontal services can help you to experience a stronger gumline.

Schedule Your Next Checkup At Sunny Smiles

If you’re due for a checkup, don’t put it off any longer. To find out more about our office or to schedule your next appointment, call Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX at 915.759.7000 today. Let’s uplift your gum health!