Your enamel plays a big role in keeping your smile safe. It is the outside coating of your teeth, and it is remarkably even stronger than bone; unfortunately, it is not immune to damage, and one slip up the stairs could cause real damage. When it does, you become at risk of developing a serious infection deep within the tooth. So, if you’ve recently broken or cracked a tooth, restore your smile with a talented, trusted dental team, because waiting could be painful.
When you come see Sunny Smiles, you have a staff that’s dedicated to your dental success. We know the value of having a high-quality smile, and that’s why we put so much effort into delivering real results for people here in El Paso. A broken tooth could lead to a seriously painful toothache due to bacterial infection, so if you have injured yourself, or if you’ve lost a dental filling due to tooth decay, it’s time to talk about restoration.
Find your way back to a strong smile. Call Sunny Smiles today.
When You Damage Your Enamel, You’re At Risk
Your smile depends on the strength of your enamel, and when you break or crack a tooth, you can lose it. This material is the hardest substance found in the human body, even stronger than bone, but it can still become damaged due to injury or decay. And when this does happen, it can create some really serious problems for your immediate oral health.
When you break or crack a tooth, you can allow the harmful bacteria found within your mouth to make their way inside. The structures here are much less prepared to fight back against bacterial invasion, and as they make their way through, they cause damage to the dentin. Eventually, they reach the nerve within the tooth, and this can create a nasty toothache that requires a root canal treatment to correct.
Find A Path Forward With A Dental Crown
If you have cracked, broken, or even chipped one of your natural teeth, take the time to talk to your dentist about repair. They may recommend a dental crown to restore your smile, and these sturdy caps can provide serious support. They offer a new chewing surface and a visible appearance that emulates the rest of your smile. So, if you’ve been waiting to schedule your appointment, take some time to learn about your options in dental crowns.
Restore Your Smile With Sunny Smiles
Your smile is a big part of who you are, and when it’s broken, you’re not your full self. When it’s time to restore your smile, call Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX at 915.759.7000.