Many people don’t realize this, but the quality of sleep you are getting each night may be just as important, or more than, as the number of hours you are getting. If you get to rest for eight hours every night but are constantly waking up due to snoring or trouble breathing, it may be affecting your body’s ability to recover from the day. Over time, this can take a significant toll on your health. Your team at Sunny Smiles may be able to help you reach a better slumber by treating chronic snoring or sleep apnea problems. In our blog today, we’re here to talk about diagnosing and treating these sleep disorders.
Is It Normal To Snore?
Snoring is the noisy, harsh sound that occurs when your airways become blocked at night. This happens to thousands of people, though many may not know because it happens when you are not fully conscious. If you happen to snore on occasion due to congestion or a poor sleep position, this can be considered normal and may not be a serious problem. However, loud, chronic snoring may be a sign of a more significant issue like obstructive sleep apnea.
Signs That You Have Sleep Apnea
If you often experience loud, chronic snoring accompanied by other symptoms like headaches, mood changes, or weight gain, it could be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea. This disorder happens when your airways are blocked at night by your soft tissues, causing pauses in your breathing. When this happens, you may be waking up throughout the night without realizing it. Along with a lack of sleep, these pauses in your breathing may also be increasing your blood pressure due to the lack of oxygen. Other common signs of sleep apnea may include teeth grinding (bruxism), dry mouth, which happens when you breathe with an open mouth for better oxygen, and difficulty sleeping at night.
A Comfortable Treatment
Your symptoms of OSA should not be put off. If you have been experiencing these symptoms, reach out to our team for consultation. We can review your symptoms and carefully examine your throat before making a diagnosis of OSA. After a diagnosis, we can start creating a plan for treatment. In many situations, patients may benefit from an oral appliance. This appliance fits like a mouthguard and is worn at night to keep your jaw in place and airways open. Unlike a CPAP machine, there is no mask needed to keep consistent airflow. The appliance may be more comfortable and convenient for patients to use and can help reduce the side effects of this disorder.
Learn More About Treatments
Sleep disorders can affect your overall health and well-being, but our team is here to help. Are you ready to find a treatment for your loud snoring? Reach out to the team at Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX, today at 915.759.7000.