Emphasize Your Gum Health This Spring

gum health el paso txWhen you take care of your smile every morning and each night, you’re doing more than just brushing your teeth. If you’re taking enough time to care for your smile, you also pay attention to the rest of your mouth, including your gum tissue. Now, your gums play a huge role in your ability to keep your smile safe, so if you’ve noticed a change in your gumline, it’s time to talk to your dentist about ways to improve things. We’re here to help you uplift your gum health, starting by keeping things cleaner.

Here at Sunny Smiles, we know the power of positive prevention. That’s why we emphasize the importance of your routine dental checkups so much. If you’ve been longer than six months since your last dental checkup, make the effort and schedule your next one, so you can fight back against plaque and tartar buildup with a cleaning not only of the surface of your teeth, but below the gumline, as well. When you’re ready to take steps to improve your gumline, talk to our team about your next steps.

Keep an eye on your gumline. Call Sunny Smiles today to schedule your next appointment.

A Healthy Smile Relies On Healthy Gums

While you certainly love your teeth, are you doing everything you can to keep them safe from bacterial buildup? Sometimes, people who are dedicated to their brushing go light when it comes to getting the gunk in between, but when you skip your flossing, you put yourself at real risk of developing plaque and tartar accumulation.

This starts as plaque, which you remove every day with your brushing. But without flossing, you leave approximately 40% of the tooth surface untouched, and that allows for a lot of periodontal problems. In between your teeth, bacterial biofilm can start to grow, leaving you in danger of gingivitis and periodontal disease. Since periodontal disease is routinely identified as the leading cause of adult tooth loss in this country, it’s important to fight back.

Notice A Shift In Your Gumline?

So, you need to focus on your gum health. But what if you have already started to see a change in where your gumline rests, or redness and swelling along the side of the teeth? This could be a sign that it’s time to talk to your dentist. And if it’s been longer than six months since your last checkup, you’re due for a visit anyway, so come speak with a trusted dental professional about uplifting your gum health. While you’re at the office, your provider may recommend periodontal services, which are dedicated appointments designed to help strengthen your gumline. If so, stick to your schedule and work to improve your gums.

Focus On Your Gum Health With Sunny Smiles

When you’re ready to renew your smile, start with a visit to our office. To find out more about us, or to learn more about your gum health, call Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX at 915.759.7000 today.