Working Toward Healthy Gums

healthy gums el paso txWhile your teeth are certainly the stars of the show, your mouth needs comprehensive care. That means that when you go a little too light on your brushing and flossing, you could start to notice a change in your gumline. When recession, swelling, or redness start to occur, then it’s time to talk to a trusted local dental team about finding your way back to healthy gums. Periodontal disease is routinely identified as the leading cause of adult tooth loss, so it’s important to keep up with all areas of your smile.

Here at Sunny Smiles, we help people keep their smiles looking great and feeling even better. That starts with a dedicated approach to your oral health, starting with your biannual checkups, so if you’ve started to fall behind in your prevention, then come see us for a cleaning and an examination. The simple truth is that you cannot handle your smile needs all on your own, and we’re here for you.

Work toward a stronger set of gums. Come see Sunny Smiles.

Are You Up To Date With Your Checkups?

If you’re like many El Pasoans, you’re due for a cleaning and an examination. You need to stop by the dentist for a checkup at least twice every year, so if it has been longer than six months since your last visit, you’re due for another one. While they might seem easy to postpone, your biannual checkups are a big part of keeping your smile safe; make the effort and stick to your schedule of prevention.

When you wait to see your dentist, your oral health becomes your responsibility alone. That means that in areas where your brushing and flossing is simply not getting the job done, plaque and tartar could start to pile up. And when it does, it puts you at real risk of developing some common oral health issues like tooth decay and periodontal disease.

Find Your Path To Healthy Gums

Started to see a shift in your gumline? Then it’s time to call your dentist to talk about your next steps. This could be a sign of periodontal disease, which is the infection and inflammation of the gum tissue. Gingivitis and periodontal disease both risk your smile in a serious way, so it’s important to find a treatment plan. At our office, we know that keeping your gumline clean is a big part of preventing and treating gum concerns. That’s why we use ultrasonic scaling and root planing to remove bacterial buildup at and below your gumline.

Schedule Your Checkup At Sunny Smiles

Find your way back to healthy gums. To find out more about our office, or to schedule your next checkup, call Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX at 915.759.7000 today.