Tooth loss can happen for many reasons – oral health complications, accidents, and more. When this happens, it can seem easy to ignore and continue living your life. However, untreated tooth loss can cause serious problems for your oral health and confidence. Your team at Sunny Smiles can help replace your missing tooth and protect your health. In our blog today, we’re here to talk about the benefits of dental implants.
Maintaining Gum Health
One of the most common causes for tooth loss in adults today is periodontal disease. This happens when plaque and tartar builds up around your gums, leading to inflammation. If your infection is not managed, the gum tissue can begin receding and lead to tooth loss. This can be stressful, as periodontal disease can also deteriorate the bones that support your pearly whites. As a result, it can be more difficult to replace your missing teeth with prosthetic options. If you are currently experiencing symptoms of periodontitis, our team can help you better manage your condition with deep cleanings. Options like scaling and root planing services can help remove the tartar buildup and slow down the process of gum recession.
Strengthening Your Jaw After Periodontal Disease
Dental implants typically require a patient to have a healthy jaw that can support the post. This means that if you have experienced jaw deterioration due to periodontal disease, you may not be an optimal candidate for traditional implants. Instead, all-on-4 dentures may be recommended for you. With this method, a set of dentures is secured to four carefully placed titanium posts. This allows your prosthetic to be more secure and can stimulate your jawbone. The all-on-4 method may be an ideal solution for patients who want to replace their lost teeth and slow down the effects of periodontal disease. Additionally, it improves the comfort of your dentures as they will not slip or slide around in your mouth.
Securely Replace Missing Teeth
Some patients may qualify for a same-day solution. In normal cases, dental implants require a healing process that can take several months. This can be frustrating, as it means you will not have a complete smile as soon as you want. A consultation with your dentist will be necessary before starting this process. With our same-day option, we can insert the post and abutment during the same appointment. Your recovery time is shorter, and you can enjoy the long-term benefits of this prosthetic option. If you are not a good candidate for this solution, we also offer dental bridges and dentures.
Talk To Our Team Today!
You don’t have to suffer from the side effects of missing teeth. To learn more about dental implants and other restorative care, call Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX, today at 915-759-7000.