When a tooth develops a dental infection, this could mean pain in your smile and even the loss of your tooth. But our team can treat infection to save your tooth and stop discomfort. In today’s blog, your Sunny Smiles team talks about how we offer relief with a safe and gentle root canal treatment to keep your smile whole!
Tooth Infection and Tooth Loss
A tooth infection means that a cavity or an injury has eventually exposed the sensitive inner pulp, the nerve center of your tooth. When this happens, the tooth could develop painful sensitivity, toothaches, or even discomfort in the face and jaw. Over time, this could cause adult tooth loss, or require the tooth to be extracted to prevent the spread of infection to other parts of your smile. When you have persistent pain in a tooth, don’t ignore this discomfort. Instead, contact our team for a diagnosis to see if you need a root canal treatment.
Preparing Your Smile for Endodontic Treatment
Our team will examine the tooth with a digital x-ray to assess the position and severity of the infection, so we can plan treatment with precision. Our team will also take steps to ensure you feel comfortable and relaxed during the treatment process. For example, we can administer a local anesthetic to the area to numb it. Our team could also choose from a dental sedation option to help you enter a deep state of relaxation and calm, with little to no memory of the procedure at all. We want your treatment experience to be a comfortable and positive experience!
Root Canal Therapy
When we have properly numbed your tooth and offered sedation, we will open it so we can access and reach the inner tissues. This enables us to remove these tissues and thoroughly clean the inside of your tooth. Once we do, our team will be able to add a special filling material to the interior of the tooth, known as gutta percha. Next, our team will cap the tooth with a dental crown. The restoration will be custom-made to ensure a lifelike appearance, and to ensure your tooth is protected from further injury or decay/infection.
If you have any questions about how our team will diagnose and treat issues like an infected tooth, or if you think you have a tooth in need of a root canal procedure, then contact our team today to learn more.
Schedule Your Endodontic Treatment Appointment With Sunny Smiles
If you want to find a solution for your aching tooth, you should start by calling Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX. Give us a call at 915.759.7000 today to schedule your next appointment.