Focus On Your Gum Health

focus on your gum health el paso txYour smile is more than just your teeth. While we know that they are the stars in the show, there are other parts that make up the supporting cast. It’s hard to talk about oral health without mentioning your gums, and your periodontal tissue provides serious support for your smile. When you take care of your gum health, you give yourself a great foundation for preventing periodontal disease and lowering your risk of tooth loss.

With our team at Sunny Smiles, you can take steps to keep your gums safe with dedicated periodontal services. Our team is here to help you maintain and improve your oral health, and your gums are an important part of that journey. If you have started to notice redness and swelling along your gumline, call our office and schedule an appointment. Identify problems and reach solutions with the helpful crew at Sunny Smiles!

Been Some Time Since Your Last Biannual Dental Checkup?

If you can’t remember the date of your last dental appointment, then it’s time to come in for a checkup. Most people require these visits every six months, and skipping them can lead to some pretty serious oral health issues. You could start to experience tooth decay, which can lead to cavities, altered tooth shape, and dentin sensitivity. Another huge risk is periodontal disease, which is the infection and inflammation of the gum tissue.

Sticking to your schedule of biannual checkups helps you to avoid developing periodontal disease in the first place. In dentistry, prevention is key, and it often offers a simpler solution than caring for conditions once they start. Talk to your dentist about your timeline of treatment, and then be sure to follow through with all of your appointments. Your smile depends on your maintenance.

Keeping Gums Cleaner With Dedicated Scaling And Root Planing

When people start to experience gingivitis or periodontal disease, they might think that the irritation is caused by overbrushing. More often, however, it is a result of going too light on your oral health maintenance. In areas where you are not fully brushing and flossing, plaque bacteria can thrive uninterrupted. If this material hardens into tartar, you cannot remove it safely on your own, and that’s where your routine oral health cleanings come into play.

If you have noticed symptoms of periodontal disease, such as redness and swelling along the gumline, talk to your dentist about periodontal services. Through consistent deep cleans, you can keep your smile cleaner, reducing inflammation. Don’t wait any longer to care for your smile.

Uplift Your Gum Health With Sunny Smiles!

If it is time to talk about your smile, we’re here to help; find out more about improving your gum health through scaling and root planing. Call Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX, today at 915.759.7000!