Contouring Can Reshape And Protect Your Gums

El Paso, TX, dentist offers gum contouring

When it comes to making improvements to your smile, there are several cosmetic treatments available to target your specific concerns. Professional whitening can be used to lift stains, bonding can conceal blemishes, or veneers can help create a more symmetrical appearance. In some cases, your grin can appear uneven because you have excess gum tissues. The team at Sunny Smiles offers contouring that can help reshape the tissue around your teeth and create a more balanced look. In today’s blog, we’re here to talk about how this treatment can help your smile.

Ensuring You Have A Healthy Smile First

Cosmetic treatments are used to help improve the appearance of your pearly whites and gums. However, these services do not address oral health concerns. Before being approved for gum contouring, your dentist will first examine your oral cavity to ensure you are free from cavities, gingivitis, and other concerns. These would need to be treated with restorative services before moving on to making visual improvements. This method of soft tissue contouring can help reshape your gumline, therefore making it easier to take care of these tissues. It cannot be used to treat periodontal disease, though, so if your dentist finds signs of this you will need deep cleanings first.

Removing Excess Gum Tissue

After you have had your consultation and have been approved for this procedure, we can schedule the appointment. When you come in for this service, we will first numb the area for your comfort. Sedation may be available for patients who request it. Your dentist will mark the areas that will be removed or reshaped. Using gentle tools, they will gently remove the excess tissue and restructure the tissue. After your procedure, the area may feel sensitive while it heals. Be sure to follow your dentist’s aftercare instructions. Along with improving the appearance of your grin, this cosmetic service may also make periodontal maintenance easier for you.

Additional Cosmetic Treatments That Can Help

Contouring can be used to reduce a “gummy” appearing smile. You can have this done on its own, or you may choose other cosmetic treatments that can further improve your appearance. For instance, a professional whitening service can be performed to remove stains from your teeth. Other options, like porcelain veneers, can be used to create a more symmetrical appearing look. This method can help address concerns including intrinsic discoloration, smalls gaps between your teeth, unevenly sized teeth, and more. For a more conservative approach, bonding and contouring is also available for patients.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Team

Cosmetic contouring could help improve your smile’s appearance and your periodontal health. To learn more about this service, call Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX, today at 915.759.7000.