Sleep Issues? Discover Oral Appliance Therapy

oral appliance therapy el paso txIf you have been waking up tired, then it may be time to talk to your oral health team about improving your rest. Two of the five most prevalent of these conditions are connected to the tissue of the mouth and throat, and these can be tough to handle on your own. Thankfully, oral appliance therapy is here to help you fight back against obstructive sleep apnea and sleep bruxism in a simpler, more convenient way.

When you want to uplift your rest, talk to Sunny Smiles about whether an oral appliance-centered treatment approach is right for you. For chronic obstructive sleep apnea, this method gently repositions the jaw during sleep, keeping the airway free from obstruction all night long. Taking this approach can help you to avoid the noise and intrusion of traditional OSA treatment like CPAP therapy, allowing you to ditch the hose and forget about outlets. Oral appliances can also be effective at treating sleep bruxism by providing a soft landing spot for your jaw during sleep. To learn more about this innovative sleep solution, call our office today!

Bruxism Can Keep You From Oral Health Success

When you grind your teeth during the day, you may be able to reroute that energy into chewing a healthy snack. You can pick up a bag of peanuts and carry on with your day. However, if this happens during sleep, it can be a really tough thing to handle.

Sleep bruxism is a common sleep disorder, defined by the grinding of teeth during rest. This condition can flatten molars, shorten incisors, and even shift alignment in drastic ways. So, it is important to find a course of treatment to address the complications of sleep bruxism.

Oral appliance therapy does that by providing a soft place for your teeth to rest during sleep. This slim mouthguard protects your teeth without the need for a bulky solution. Talk to your dentist about whether this is your next step.

Fight Back Against Obstructive Sleep Apnea

The other common sleep disorder related to oral health is known as obstructive sleep apnea. This condition occurs in your deepest form of slumber, when your body acts in a slightly different way than normal. If your throat tissue makes contact, it can create loud snoring and serious health complications.

With oral appliance therapy for obstructive sleep apnea, you have the power to keep your airway free from obstruction. This approach gently shifts the position of the jaw to keep airflow constant all night long.

Explore Oral Appliance Therapy With Sunny Smiles!

If you are ready to discuss your common sleep disorder, talk to a trusted, local oral health team. To find out more about oral appliance therapy, call Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX, today at 915.759.7000.