Renew Your Smile After Damage

renew your smile el pasoHave you recently injured one or more of your natural teeth? If so, then you need to call your dentist to talk about your next steps. While you wait, bacteria could be making their way deep into the center of your tooth, and when this happens, it can become a serious problem for your oral health. This situation can cause a seriously painful toothache that simply will not go away; when this is left untreated, it puts the future of the tooth in jeopardy.

When you need to talk about dental restoration, call  Sunny Smiles and ask about your options in repair. If  bacterial infection has taken hold within your tooth, then you may require a root canal treatment procedure to keep the smile safe from harm and avoid an extraction. But while you procrastinate, this infection could become workse, potentially even spreading into the bone tissue of your jaw. To find out more about your restoration possibilities, including durable dental crowns and fillings that blend in with your natural smile, give us a call today!

Damage Can Happen. Know Where To Turn When It Does

Just about anyone can experience a dental injury, and at just about any time. Where you do have some control is in the response to the situation. If you have broken or cracked one of your natural teeth, then make the effort and call your dentist to talk about what has happened. With a cleaning and examination, your provider can identify the problem and help you to understand your options moving forward.

For damaged teeth, one of the bigest risks is bacterial infection. Your natural enamel plays a pivotal role in your ability to fight back against microbial growth by being a strong barrier. When this is lost, it puts your smile at risk of developing an infection, which can lead to a painful toothache, further deterioration, and more. By speaking with your dentist quickly, you can work to avoid further damage.

Discover Dental Crowns That Blend In

When you speak with your dentist about your restorative options, be sure to ask about dental crown material. These days, there are more possiblities than ever before, and you want to know how they would work for you. Some of these even blend in with the shade of your natural enamel, helping you to have a restoration that not only functions well, but looks great, too.

Find Out More With Sunny Smiles!

If you have recently broken or cracked one of your natural teeth, we are here to help. To talk about your restoration options to renew your smile, call Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX at 915.759.7000 today!