Focus On Your Oral Health

focus on your smile oral health el paso txIf you have been skipping your appointments at the dentist, you put yourself at real risk of developing a common dental concern. And without these visits, you might not have the ability to turn things around on your own. When your smile is entirely your responsibility, plaque can start to develop in areas where your brushing and flossing are not enough, and when it calcifies into harder tartar, you can no longer safely remove it yourself. You need the assistance of a trained dental professional, and while you wait to schedule your visit, tooth decay and periodontal problems can start.

At Sunny Smiles, we understand the value of consistent and quality oral health prevention. This all starts with your dedication to your biannual dental checkups, and most people need these at least twice each year. Be sure to talk to your dentist about your timeline and then stick to it, as waiting can lead to some serious oral health issues. To find out more or to schedule your next appointment, give us a call today!

When Was Your Last Appointment At The Dentist?

If you are struggling to remember the date of your last dental appointment, then it might be time to come in for your next one. Most people require these visits every six months, and this timeline has been developed for a very good reason. It helps you and your oral health team to keep an eye on any problem developments as they occur in order to treat them as they happen. While you wait, these issues could become even more significant, so it is helpful to focus on your oral health with a bit of consistency.

Plaque And Tartar Are Your Smile’s Enemies

One of the most dangerous oral health concerns that people commonly face is biofilm accumulation. This starts as plaque buildup, and this is what you brush off of your teeth twice each day. When it remains on the surface of your teeth and along your gumline, it calcifies into a harder material known as tartar, and when this happens, you need the help of a trained dental hygienist to safely remove it.

Have Other Oral Health Questions?

While you are in the office for your biannual checkup and cleaning, it is your opportunity to meet face-to-face with an oral health professional. You should take advantage of this time by asking all of your questions about your smile. We are here to help, and everyone could use a refresher on brushing and flossing techniques from time to time!

Focus On Your Oral Health With Sunny Smiles

If you are ready to come in for your next biannual cleaning and checkup, give us a call. To schedule your next visit, call Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry at 915.759.7000 today!