Consistent Prevention Makes A Real Impact

consistent prevention el paso txYou need to care for your smile each and every day. Through twice-daily brushing for at least two minutes, you spend the time keeping it clean, and we know that you are sticking to your schedule when it comes to flossing. After all, you can only clean about 60% of each tooth’s surface with brushing alone, so this is an important part of your oral hygiene regimen. But brushing and flossing still is not enough, and if you have been skipping your trips to the dentist, you are missing out on consistent prevention.

At Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX, we know the value of your biannual dental checkups. These visits are your opportunity to check in with your friendly, local dentist to identify any changes that have occurred since your last appointment so you can make changes to your routine or find treatment. You can also experience a fresher, safer smile with a thorough cleaning of your teeth and gumline. To schedule your next biannual checkup and cleaning, call our office today!

Is It Time To Renew Your Dental Health?

Sometimes, people can become caught up with life and forget their routine dental appointments for a biannual checkup and cleaning. We understand that this can happen, and that is why we make sure to keep in contact with you after each visit. When this happens, it can hold you back in your dental journey, however, so it is important to find your way back to a positive schedule of preventive care.

If it has been some time since your last checkup, take the time to talk to a trusted, local oral health team about a schedule reset. It’s always a great time for a biannual cleaning and examination, and we are here to help.

Consistent Prevention Makes A Dental Difference

Your provider gives you a timeline of treatment because they know how mouths work. They understand that plaque and tartar can form even with the most diligent of dental hygiene, and typically, people need a cleaning and examination about every six months. Sometimes, people need an accelerated schedule of care, so always talk to your dentist about your timeline. And then stick to it!

By staying close to the dentist, you give yourself the opportunity to catch problems quickly after they occur. Consistent prevention can help you to address tooth loss and periodontal disease at an early stage. Your provider can also spot signs of oral cancer quicker, which can make a difference in treatment success.

Schedule Your Next Visit To Sunny Smiles

Has it been a while since your last dental cleaning and examination? Consistent prevention is key, so do not let things wait any longer. To schedule your next biannual checkup, call Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry at 915.759.7000 today!