There’s Still Time For A Summer Checkup!

summer checkup el paso txSeeing the dentist routinely for your biannual checkups and cleanings is a pivotal part of your oral health maintenance, but it can feel easy to put them off. If you are just now realizing that you have not seen the dentist yet this year, then take the time to talk to your oral health team about coming in for a visit. Most people need these appointments every six months, and that means that you could be falling behind. A summer checkup could change that, so take the opportunity to renew your dental dedication.

Here at Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry, we know the value of sticking to your oral health schedule. While you wait, plaque and tartar accumulation could continue to grow, and that can lead to some serious complications in the form of tooth decay, periodontal disease, and more. In order to avoid these common dental health concerns, stay on the right track with your biannual dental checkups and cleanings. To schedule your next visit, give us a call today!

Has It Been A While Since Your Last Visit?

We understand that time can get the best of any of us, but it is important to focus on your oral health with consistency. Your routine dental examinations and cleanings are your opportunity to maintain and improve your smile, and you can view them as an opportunity to care for what you have. If you have not seen the dentist yet in 2024, you are starting to fall behind in your preventive care, so call your provider to schedule your next time to talk about your teeth.

The Summer Is A Perfect Time To Focus On Your Dental Health

There is never a bad time to care for your dental needs, but some people have seen smile success with summer checkups. If you have a child, the added time can help you to find a point in your schedule that works for you. While you are in the office, you can also take advantage of the air conditioning while you focus on your smile!

Your biannual dental checkups include both a cleaning and an examination, helping you to stay on top of things. They can also be a great time to ask about any changes that you would like to make, including cosmetic teeth whitening or comprehensive improvement through porcelain veneers. Enhancing your smile starts with a call, so start your journey today.

Schedule Your Summer Checkup At Sunny Smiles!

Is it time to talk about your oral health? Take the opportunity to come in for a cleaning and examination, and while you are here, ask all of your questions. To schedule your summer checkup with a trusted local provider, call us at Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry at 915.759.7000 today!