Restoring Your Smile After A Break

restoring your smile el paso txYour enamel plays a vital role in protecting you from developing a serious bacterial infection within each of your teeth. This means that if you have broken one or more of your natural teeth, then it is time to call your dentist. Scheduling an appointment soon after this situation occurs can help you to understand what has happened, and it also gives you an opportunity to talk about repairs before further deterioration starts. When you need professional help in restoring your smile, we are here to help.

At Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry, our team is ready to renew your smile after experiencing damage to your enamel. Even if you feel that you have only chipped your tooth, taking the time to meet with your oral health provider for an examination can help you to know for certain. If you have lost the protective outer coating of your enamel, it puts you at risk of developing a serious tooth infection that can lead to a nasty toothache. This can become dangerous for your oral and overall health, so schedule a time to talk about your teeth today.

Your Enamel Is A Vital Part Of Your Dental Defenses

Even though we know that you are spending enough time each day on your routine oral health hygiene, your mouth is still constantly battling against bacterial growth. This simply comes with the territory. Normally, your natural enamel is there to block bacteria from making their way into your teeth, and this protection is vital in keeping you safe from infection.

But you can lose this barrier through damage or tooth decay, and when that happens, you become at risk. If you have recently cracked or broken a tooth, then it is time to make an appointment with your dentist to identify the extent of the damage. After taking a look through a visual examination and advanced imagery, they can give you a treatment plan, designed to renew your problem tooth.

Experiencing Pain Or Discomfort Within Your Tooth?

If you have started to feel pain or pressure within your damaged tooth, then it could be a sign that a bacterial infection has set in. At this point, root canal therapy is used to eliminate the infection and save the tooth. A root canal treatment includes the removal of your damaged material, and afterward, a provider seals the connections to the jaw to prevent future reinfection. Restoring your smile with a root canal often means the placement of a new dental crown, so ask about your options in crown material!

Talk To Sunny Smiles About Restoring Your Smile

Broken or cracked one of your natural teeth? Then it is time to schedule an appointment. To find out more about restoring your smile after breaking a tooth, call Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX at 915.759.7000 today!