Ready To See A Brighter Smile?

a brighter smile el paso txYour smile plays a crucial role in your overall appearance. Even with your commitment to brushing and flossing, external enamel stains can still occur, and when they do, it can be helpful to consult your dentist to talk about safe and effective teeth whitening options. Achieving a brighter smile on your own can be challenging, and while there are numerous over-the-counter products available, they may not always be the best for your personal dental wellness.

At Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry, we want our patients to love their teeth. Enamel stains can make that tough, so when you start to notice that you are hiding your smile in summertime photos with your friends, it is time to meet with a trusted local dentist. If you have been noticing that your teeth are looking yellowed or dull, ask our team about whether Philips Zoom! teeth whitening is the right approach for your smile. This all starts with an examination from our team, so schedule your next appointment today!

Have You Had A Biannual Checkup Yet In 2024?

This time of the year, it can be helpful to take a look at your calendar to see if you have had your biannual dental checkup and cleaning yet. Since you need these appointments at least twice each year, that means that you should have spoken with your dentist in 2024. If you have not, then it is time to schedule a checkup. It might also be time for your second visit if your first was six months ago or longer.

While you are at your next checkup, be sure to talk to your dentist about all of the improvements that you would like to see. They have years of training and experience in helping people to improve their oral health, and they know what is safe and effective for your smile. Since overbleaching can cause lasting dentin sensitivity, working with a professional can be a real help.

Banishing Stains With Philips Zoom! Teeth Whitening

If at your appointment, your provider gives you a diagnosis of extrinsic enamel staining, then it is time to talk about treatment options. At our office, we understand that reaching a brighter smile is not always the easiest thing to do on your own. That is why we offer advanced Philips Zoom! teeth whitening, which combines the power of in-office care with a comfortable at-home regimen. When you want to see a brighter smile in those summertime photos, ask about whether Philips Zoom! is right for you.

Achieve A Brighter Smile With Sunny Smiles!

Are you ready to whiten your teeth with a professional? Our team is ready to help. To find out more about how effective Philips Zoom! teeth whitening helps people reach a brighter smile, call Sunny Smiles at 915.759.7000 today.