Look Your Best With Advanced Cosmetic Dentistry

look your best with cosmetic dentistry el paso txIf you are tired of hiding your smile in photos or while you talk, make the effort and meet with your dentist for a discussion. Your teeth hold immense value for your appearance and your health, so you want to make sure you are doing things the right way. Many people would like to make a change to the shape or shade of their teeth, and by starting with a trusted oral health professional, it can help you to understand what is happening and what is possible.

Here at Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry, we love to work with patients in uplifting their oral health. We also know that having a beautiful smile can really enhance every day just a little bit more. That’s why we are proud to help people in our community to learn to love their smile again with advanced cosmetic dentistry, including Philips Zoom! teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, and contouring. To find out more about all of these choices, give us a call today!

Ready To Banish Those Stubborn Stains?

Enamel staining is one of the most common cosmetic conditions seen in dental offices around the globe. But just because it happens frequently does not mean that there is a simple solution when improving the shade of your teeth. While there are more supermarket options than ever before, these are not always safe for everyone, and they could turn out to be ineffective at treating your particular form of discoloration.

At our office, we can provide our patients with Philips Zoom! at-home teeth whitening, giving you a trusted name in the world of cosmetic dentistry. This approach is helping many people across the country to experience a brighter smile in a comfortable and convenient way. Talk to our team to find out whether teeth whitening is your next step.

Veneers Give You The Opportunity To Make Significant Improvements

If you are looking to make comprehensive changes to your smile, porcelain or composite veneers might be a helpful way to do it. These are thin layers of a material that looks and acts remarkably similar to our natural enamel, allowing them to be used to create a new external tooth surface.

Veneers can be helpful in creating fuller teeth, which makes them a good solution for those who have chipped their teeth, or for patients who have lost enamel volume due to tooth decay. Veneers help people to see the smile of their dreams when they look in the mirror, which is a very powerful thing!

Discover Cosmetic Dentistry At Sunny Smiles

If you are ready to make a change to your smile, talk to our team about your possibilities. To schedule an appointment to discuss cosmetic dentistry, call Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX at 915.759.7000 today!