It’s A Great Time For A Brighter Smile

a brighter smile el paso txHere in Texas, we certainly know the summertime. And that’s why we know that the summer can be a positive time of the year to make oral health improvements. If you are noticing that you are hiding your smile in those photos by the pool, we are here to help with cosmetic teeth whitening from Philips Zoom!, giving you a trusted name and an effective treatment. Enamel stains can be tough to remove on your own, and those supermarket products are not always helpful.

At Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX, we are here to help you enjoy your smile to the fullest. If unsightly enamel stains have been holding your smile back, make an appointment for an exam, and while you are in the office, discuss your possibilities in cosmetic teeth whitening. Overbleaching can cause lasting dentin sensitivity, so it is important to work alongside an oral health provider, who can give you accurate information regarding your risks and rewards. To find out more about safe and effective teeth whitening from a dental professional, give us a call today!

Your Dentist Can Help You To Know What Is Possible

When you decide that you want to see a brighter smile in the mirror, call your dentist before you reach for an over-the-counter product. There might be more options than ever before at your local drugstore or supermarket, but that does not mean that they are the right choice for your specific oral health needs. Start your journey with a cleaning and examination at your next semiannual dental checkup and ask about how to achieve a whiter smile.

Sometimes, other conditions can appear like enamel stains, but actually, they may require a different form of treatment. Plaque and tartar accumulation on the teeth can make them appear yellowed or brownish, and this calls for a cleaning. If you instinctively reach for an over-the-counter whitening option, you could be bleaching your teeth without seeing any benefits.

Experience Advanced Care With Philips Zoom! Teeth Whitening

If your dentist gives you a diagnosis of extrinsic enamel staining, then you can talk about ways to avoid future harm. You also have the opportunity to explore your options in cosmetic teeth whitening to lift those stubborn stains in a safe and effective way. At our office, we offer Philips Zoom! teeth whitening, giving you a trusted name in cosmetic dental products. When you want a brighter smile, our team is here, armed with powerful stain-fighting technology through Philips Zoom!

Reach Toward A Brighter Smile With Our El Paso Team!

Are you ready to banish those unsightly stains from the surface of your teeth? To learn more about achieving a brighter smile with Philips Zoom! cosmetic teeth whitening, call Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX, today at 915.759.7000 today.