Improve Your Rest With Oral Appliance Therapy

oral appliance therapy el paso txDo you wake up with a sore jaw, or have your loved ones started to mention their concern over your aggressive or loud snoring? Then it is time to talk to a professional about whether a common sleep disorder is affecting your rest. Two of the five most prevalent of these in our country are related to oral health, and each has their own set of associated risks. Oral appliance therapy aims to address these conditions in a comfortable, quiet way.

At Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX, we are dedicated to helping our patients experience better oral health, and sometimes, your quality of sleep can be a sign. The first of these conditions is known as sleep bruxism, and it is the unconscious activity of teeth grinding overnight, and it can erode your enamel or shift your alignment. Chronic obstructive sleep apnea is the other common oral health-related sleep disorder, and some people find traditional CPAP therapy to be a bit too much. If you are ready to uplift your slumber, talk to our team about the advantages of oral appliances today!

When Left Untreated, Your Smile Could Change Due To Bruxism

When we’re at rest, our brains can sometimes do little things to keep ourselves active, and teeth grinding is one of the most common unconscious activities that people do. Unfortunately, when this action happens at night, it can spell danger for your oral health. As your teeth collide, they can dislodge tiny bits of your natural enamel, and over time, this can affect your smile’s appearance and its ability to stay safe. You need your enamel, and you cannot regrow this material.

Oral appliance therapy helps treat chronic sleep bruxism by creating a barrier between your teeth overnight. With a soft, BPA-free oral appliance, you can take positive steps to prevent further enamel damage or changes to alignment. Talk to your provider about whether this is a good fit for your smile.

Chronic Obstructive Sleep Apnea Can Risk Your Overall Health

Obstructive sleep apnea is another common sleep disorder, and this one can affect your cardiovascular system. Overnight, in your deepest form of sleep, your throat may become too soft to hold its natural shape, preventing the free flow of oxygen to the lungs, and in turn, the brain. Oral appliance therapy gently alters the positioning of the jaw to keep the airway unobstructed overnight.

Discover Oral Appliance Therapy At Sunny Smiles!

If it is time to talk about managing your common sleep disorder related to oral health, talk to our team about whether an oral appliance could be your solution to a better night of rest. To find out more about oral appliance therapy for bruxism, TMJ, or obstructive sleep apnea, call Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX, today at 915.759.7000.