Are You Focusing On Your Gum Health?

your gum health el paso txEven if your teeth are looking great and feeling fine, there are other parts of your mouth that need consistent maintenance, and when your gums are not at the level that they need to be, you could experience some problems. Periodontal disease, the infection and inflammation of the tissue surrounding your teeth, is often identified as the leading cause of adult tooth loss, so it is important to keep an eye on the strength of your gums. If you start to notice a change to your gumline, take the time to talk to a talented local dentist about ways to improve your gum health.

With our team of caring dental professionals at Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX, you can take steps to keep your gums safe. Your brushing and flossing may not be enough to protect you from plaque and tartar accumulation, and your biannual dental checkups are a great way to have some additional help in cleaning the surface of your teeth and along your gumline. Sometimes, a deeper clean is helpful in relieving inflammation and infection, and we are here for that, as well; to find out more about periodontal health or to schedule your next appointment, call us today!

Your Gums Play An Important Role In Your Oral Health

Your smile is about more than just your teeth. You have other areas of your mouth that need consistent maintenance, and if you are only focused on your dental needs, you could be losing sight of your overall oral health. The tissue that surrounds your teeth helps to support them and protect the more vulnerable areas below, and this can become irritated.

A buildup of plaque and tartar is one of the most common causes of periodontal disease, and you can avoid this by sticking to your schedule of biannual checkups and cleanings. Since we are right about halfway through the year, if you have not been in yet in 2024, this is your call to act!

Dedicated Periodontal Maintenance Helps You Calm Your Gums

If your dentist identifies a periodontal problem such as recession or inflammation, they may suggest a treatment plan to help improve your gum health, and scaling and root planing is often a key part of this process. This can also be called a “deep cleaning,” helping to address any bacterial accumulation that has started at or even underneath the gumline. Periodontal services are designed to help you slow or even stop the progression of your condition, so don’t wait any longer to speak with your dentist.

Refresh Your Gum Health With Sunny Smiles!

If you are ready to strengthen your smile, talk to our team about your needs. To find out more about improving your gum health with periodontal services, call Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX, today at 915.759.7000!