Why You Should Not Ignore Your Snoring Problem

El Paso, TX, dentist offers treatment for snoring and sleep apnea

Many people believe that the harsh breathing sounds you make as you sleep are normal. However, this is actually untrue. Frequent and severe snoring could be an indicator of a sleep disorder or other concern. These conditions can affect your overall well-being, from your oral health to your physical health. Today, the team at Sunny Smiles is here to explore what may be the cause of your obstructed breathing.

Common Reasons Behind Snoring

This condition could be caused by a variety of factors. It is important to determine the root cause so that an effective treatment can be created. If you snore on occasion, it may be due to a poor bedtime routine or consuming items such as alcohol before bed. You may be able to correct this by limiting alcohol consumption and changing your rest position at night. Loud and frequent snores could be due to factors like aging, weight gain, change in medication, or a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA happens when your airways are obstructed while you try to rest. In many cases, this can cause periodic pauses in breathing throughout the night. This can be a scary issue for patients as you may not be aware it is happening. OSA can have several negative effects on your overall health and well-being, so it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible.

The Harmful Side Effects Of Snoring

These harsh noises can interrupt your sleep and your family members’ rest, too. This may make you feel fatigued throughout the day, irritable, or cause increases in feelings of anxiety and depression. If you snore frequently, you likely will breathe with an open mouth. This can cause dry mouth which may result in an increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease. These will require restorations to help treat your symptoms. Snoring may also be a sign of OSA, which can have damaging impacts on your mental, physical, and oral health. Untreated OSA can cause you to wake up periodically throughout the night, which can interrupt your sleep cycle. As a result, you may not get the necessary quality of rest each night. You may also have increased blood pressure and risk of heart disease.

Talk To Your Dentist About Treatment

Your dentist may be able to help find the root cause of your snoring and create a helpful treatment plan. Aside from improving some lifestyle habits and creating a better sleep routine, an oral appliance may be able to help as well. This tool helps keep your airways open as you rest and may be used for patients who snore or experience sleep apnea.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Team

Frequent snoring could be a sign of a more serious problem. Schedule an appointment with Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX, today to get started on a treatment.