Tooth Pain? A Root Canal Could Bring Relief


El Paso, TX, dentist offers root canals

Dental fillings are a minimally invasive restoration that can help treat a cavity. If the severe has reached an advanced stage, though, you may need a more extensive procedure to restore the area. Sunny Smiles offers root canals that can help stop the progression of serious cavities and protect your pearly whites from damage. In today’s blog, we’re here to talk about what you should know before this procedure.

When A Root Canal Is Recommended

You might need a root canal if you are experiencing a severe toothache, a cavity has reached the pulp of your tooth, or you have seriously injured one of your pearly whites. Usually, dental decay can be treated with a simple filling. Minor cavities may be detected during your biannual checkup. Your dentist may spot signs like a visible hole, increased sensitivity to the area, or through X-rays. If one is spotted, they will recommend that you schedule this restoration as soon as possible. Fillings can help stop the progression of decay if it has worn away your enamel or dentin. Once the decay reaches your pulp, root canal treatment is required.

Many patients worry that this procedure will be painful, but in fact it has the opposite effect. Removing the damaged pulp can help relieve discomfort and protect your oral health. The treatment itself may take a longer appointment, and you may need several days to fully recover. Before this endodontic treatment, your dentist may offer you sedation or numb the local area. Then, the damaged tissue will gently be removed. Like a filling, the space will be cleaned before adding a stronger material. Removing the inner layer of tissue can leave your pearly white feeling weaker.  Your dentist may add a dental crown later for extra support and protection.

Is There An Alternative Option?

Putting off this restoration can lead to the cavity worsening and can increase the chances of an infection. The only other option to relieve discomfort would be to remove the tooth. This is often saved as a last resort because your dentist wants you to keep your natural teeth for as long as possible. However, an extraction may be recommended if the area has been treated before and has become re-infected, or the tooth is seriously injured.

Before removing it, your dentist will numb the area so you can feel comfortable throughout the procedure. They will make a gentle incision and carefully remove the structure. You will need to avoid eating or drinking anything that could irritate the area while you heal. After you recover, you may be able to replace this lost structure with a prosthetic.

Talk To Our Team To Learn More

This endodontic treatment could help relieve pain and protect your oral health. To schedule an appointment with Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX, call 915.759.7000.