Month: June 2024

Improve Your Smile In A Single Visit

El Paso, TX, dentist offers contouring and bonding

  Professional whitening is a popular and effective way to remove surface-level stains. But what do you do if your teeth do not respond to this treatment? If your pearly whites have intrinsic damage or imperfections, a bleaching agent may not be able to lift the discoloration. This can be frustrating, but there are alternative… Read more »

A Way To Professionally Whiten Your Teeth

El Paso, TX, dentist offers professional whitening services

  Frequent checkups and a consistent oral hygiene routine can help keep your teeth clean and cavity-free. However, this does not necessarily help keep them looking bright. In some cases, factors like aging, genetics, and external causes can lead to your teeth becoming discolored. This may cause you to feel self-conscious about the appearance of… Read more »

Why You Should Not Ignore Your Snoring Problem

El Paso, TX, dentist offers treatment for snoring and sleep apnea

Many people believe that the harsh breathing sounds you make as you sleep are normal. However, this is actually untrue. Frequent and severe snoring could be an indicator of a sleep disorder or other concern. These conditions can affect your overall well-being, from your oral health to your physical health. Today, the team at Sunny… Read more »