Dental Fillings And Root Canals: When Do You Need These Restorations?

El Paso, TX, dentist offers fillings and root canals

Cavities are one of the most common oral health concerns that patients experience. This problem can be prevented with a good oral hygiene routine and consistent checkups. However, you may still experience a cavity even when you do your best to keep your teeth healthy. Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX, can help restore your tooth after decay with fillings or a root canal.

Keeping Your Smile Cavity-Free

We hear about cavities a lot, but what are they? These are holes that form in a dental structure due to decay. Nearly everyone will experience at least one in their lifetime, and they can typically be treated with a simple restoration. However, it’s important that you practice preventive care to reduce your chances of developing decay. Remember to brush and floss twice a day to remove bacteria and food particles throughout the day. Don’t forget to come in for your biannual appointment to clean and examine your smile. These steps can help reduce the chances of decay and can help detect signs of a cavity forming early.

Dental Fillings Help Treat Decay

If you do develop a cavity, you will need to have it restored as soon as possible to protect your dental structures. Dental fillings are a common restorative treatment used for this. The sooner a cavity is filled, the less damage will be done to your pearly whites. The decayed part of your tooth will be gently drilled out. After the space has been cleaned, it will be filled with composite resin. This material is lifelike in appearance and easily bondable to many areas, meaning less of your natural tooth will need to be removed. We use this material instead of types like gold, silver amalgam, or others because the resin looks like your natural smile and is more comfortable. It can also be used to repair small chips and conceal surface-level blemishes.

A Root Canal Can Relieve A Toothache

Usually, cavities may cause symptoms such as sensitivity when eating or lingering discomfort after having something sweet. If the discomfort is more severe or long-lasting, it could be a sign that the cavity has reached a more serious stage. At this point, a filling may not be able to restore the area. Instead, root canal therapy may be required instead. This restoration involves removing the damaged pulp of your tooth to help stop the progression of decay. Root canals are more invasive than fillings and you may need a few days to recover after your treatment. If this procedure is put off and your cavity worsens, the tooth may need to be extracted.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Team

We can help treat tooth decay and protect your smile. Call our Sunny Smiles team in El Paso, TX, today at 915.759.7000 to learn more.