Even when we do our best to prevent harm to our smiles, accidents can still happen. While these can be worrisome, your team at Sunny Smiles is equipped to manage a variety of dental emergencies. Today, we will explain common emergencies that may occur and how we can help treat them. It’s important to have these problems treated promptly so that your oral health is not harmed.
When You Should Seek Urgent Care
What counts as a dental emergency? Anything that is causing you persistent discomfort should be examined by a professional as soon as possible. If your teeth or gums are bleeding, the area is swollen, or one of your permanent teeth feels loose, you should walk in or call your dentist right away for a same day appointment. These concerns may have occurred due to an injury or infection. When left untreated, these could potentially cause more harm for your smile. The team can give you instructions on how to manage discomfort while you wait for your appointment. Applying a cold compress and taking over-the-counter pain reducers may help.
Fractured Or Lost Teeth
This is a common problem that may happen after a blow to the face. If this has happened to you, try to remain calm and apply pressure to the area. Keep the broken pieces if you are able to do so. If your entire tooth has been knocked out, keep it in a clean bag if possible. Have a friend or family member drive you to your dentist so that you are not distracted. At your appointment, the team will examine the injury and determine what the best treatment may be. In many cases, a broken tooth can be restored with a dental crown. If the entire tooth has been knocked out, replacement options such as a bridge or implant can be discussed. It is important to replace your lost tooth to maintain the function and appearance of your smile.
Severe Cavities And Swollen Gums
Deep decay may cause a persistent toothache, which can put an abrupt stop to your day. If your ache does not go away within a few hours, it could be a sign of an infection. Do not put off having the area examined until your next appointment. Pain, sensitivity, and swelling of your gums could be a sign that the area has become infected. Your dentist can examine the problem and create a helpful treatment plan. In many cases, a root canal may be able to help relieve the discomfort. However, if the infection is severe, an extraction may be recommended instead.
Call Our Team If You Need Urgent Care
If you are experiencing a toothache or other oral health concern, call Sunny Smiles today at 915.759.7000 to schedule an emergency appointment.