As we mentioned in our last blog, having missing teeth can disrupt your appearance and the mobility of your smile. Options like bridges and dentures can help improve your ability to chew, but they may not be able to support your jaw and other teeth. Sunny Smiles offers implants that can prevent further bone loss and replace your missing teeth. These can be used to support your dentures or other prosthetics.
Replace Your Lost Tooth In One Day
Typically, this secured prosthetic could take several months to receive. Some patients may be eligible for a same-day option. Before starting this procedure, your dentist will complete a thorough examination of your oral cavity to ensure your gums and jawbone are in a healthy condition. If you are approved for this method, your appointment will be scheduled for the post and crown to be added at the same time. One helpful benefit of this same-day method is that it can improve your smile sooner and requires fewer visits to the dentist. This means that you can get back to your routine quicker.
A Secure Options For Dentures
In the past, dentures were a removable option for patients. Advances in dental technology have upgraded this method to be secured in place. This not only provides more comfort to patients but stability as well. You will not have to worry about your prosthetics slipping or needing to remove them daily to clean. Four posts will be added throughout your arch to support the dentures. This All-On-4 method can prevent your jaw from weakening, reduce the chances of further tooth loss, and improve your smile’s function. To find out if you are a good candidate for this method, you will need to schedule an appointment with your dentist. If you already use traditional dentures, you may still be able to receive implant-retained ones.
The Benefits Of Dental Implants
This prosthetic option uses several parts to mimic your lost structure. The post can help replace the root and the crown will mimic the visible part to create a lifelike effect. Implants offer several benefits for patients from the appearance of your smile to the mobility of your oral cavity. One of the most important benefits of this method is that it prevents your jawbone from deteriorating and causing further bone loss. It is also a durable option that can last for many years with proper care. Once you have received your tooth replacement, it is important that you continue to care for your smile with a consistent oral hygiene routine and biannual dentist visits. This can help keep your gums and existing teeth healthy.
Talk To Our Team To Learn More
This restoration can give you a complete smile after tooth loss. Call Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX, today at 915.759.7000.