Preventive dental care can help reduce the chances of common concerns like cavities, gingivitis, and more. If you are experiencing gum disease, this can be stressful. The most important thing to remember is that this can be managed with the help of consistent periodontal cleanings and improved oral hygiene. The team at Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX, offers these services and more that can help you navigate through this condition.
Steps To Avoid Gum Disease
Prioritizing your oral health can help prevent gum disease. You should brush and floss at least twice a day to help remove and get rid of bacteria that can form in your oral cavity. Brushing helps remove large amounts of food particles from throughout the day. Do not forget to brush your tongue, too. To get spots that are harder to reach, you will need to floss between each of your teeth. These steps can help keep your breath smelling fresh and can reduce the chances of developing an infection or decay. You should also see your dentist twice a year. Many dental problems can go on for long periods without showing symptoms. Your dentist may be able to detect them early so that you can get quicker treatment. This is especially helpful when battling gum disease. If caught in the earliest stage, gingivitis, there is a chance that it can be reversed with prompt treatment.
Signs To Look Out For
How do you know if you have gingivitis? You may begin to see signs such as bleeding when you floss, swollen gums, or a change in their color. If you begin to notice these side effects, it is important that you see your dentist as soon as possible. They can examine your smile and help assess the situation. If they determine these are symptoms of gingivitis, a treatment plan can be created to help. This may include scaling and root planings as well as improved oral hygiene at home. If you smoke tobacco, have diabetes, or have autoimmune diseases, you may be at a higher risk of developing this infection, so remember to prioritize your oral hygiene.
How Scaling And Root Planing Help
Periodontal cleanings are more thorough than the ones done during your standard cleaning and checkup. Scaling will be done to help remove plaque buildup from below the gumline. Root planings help reattach the gums to the root of the tooth, which can help prevent the tissue from receding and losing your teeth. You may need to have several of these done throughout the year to keep your condition in a manageable state.
Schedule A Deep Cleaning With Our Team
Call Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX, today at 915.759.7000 to schedule an appointment.