Oral surgery can be anxiety-inducing for many patients. It is not an exciting task to have teeth removed, but it can prevent the need for more extensive dental work in the future. If you have been told your third molars are ready to be removed, the team at Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX, can perform this procedure. You may notice that your wisdom teeth are developing if your mouth feels sensitive, swollen, or irritated. Today, we are here to explain why this is necessary and what to expect from this surgery.
When They Should Be Extracted
Your third molars grow in during your teenage years. At your twice-yearly checkup, X-rays may be done which can help track their growth. It’s important to monitor their development because these third molars can cause problems for your other teeth as they begin to come in. There are four wisdom teeth in total, one in each section of your oral cavity, but not everyone will grow all four. If there is not enough room for them to erupt, they can become impacted. This can cause discomfort and may lead to the surrounding structures shifting out of place.
X-rays can help track their progress so that they can be removed before this happens. These third molars are not essential to the function of your mouth, which is why they are taken out. Even if they do not cause discomfort as they develop, extraction may still be recommended because it can be difficult to clean this area of your smile, and restorations on the back molars can be tricky.
The Process Of Removal
Wisdom teeth extractions are generally more extensive than a standard removal. X-rays will be taken to locate each structure. Then, a form of sedation will be used so that you can be comfortable during your procedure. Incisions will be made to expose the entire tooth, and they will gently be removed. The area will be cleaned and closed, and gauze may be added to reduce bleeding.
After the procedure, you may need several days to recover. It is normal to experience sensitivity and swelling but contact your dentist if these are severe. During this time, it is important that you stay hydrated and eat soft foods. Do not eat hard or crunchy foods, drink through a straw, or smoke tobacco, as these can cause discomfort to the area. Your dentist may prescribe over-the-counter pain reducers and recommend using a cold compress to reduce swelling.
Schedule Your Oral Surgery Today
Your wisdom teeth should be extracted before they cause problems for your other pearly whites. To schedule this appointment, call the Sunny Smiles office nearest you in El Paso, TX, today.