In a recent blog, we discussed how bruxism or TMJ problems may be disrupting the quality of your rest. Along with these problems, snoring may be wreaking havoc on your circadian rhythm as well. If you frequently snore, or these sounds are loud enough to wake up your family members, you may have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Sunny Smiles Dentistry in El Paso, TX, can help diagnose and treat this problem so that you can doze more peacefully.
Common Signs Of Sleep Apnea
If you are worried that you have OSA, there are a few signs you can look out for. The most common is frequent, loud snoring. This is caused by your airways being blocked as you breathe, resulting in harsh sounds. You may not realize it, but this can wake you up periodically through the night. Your partner or family members may suffer from your disorder second-hand when the sounds wake them up at night. Other symptoms may include waking up out of breath, dry mouth, or insomnia. It is important to seek care for this condition because it can harm your physical, mental, and oral health.
Getting Help For Your Disorder
Some changes in your bedtime routine, such as changing your position, may be able to reduce your snoring. However, if you have sleep apnea, this will require a professional diagnosis and treatment. At your next checkup, you can mention your concerns with your dentist. These symptoms, combined with other signs such as frequent cavities, inflamed gums, or signs of teeth grinding, can help diagnose your condition. Then, the dentist can determine a helpful treatment.
Using An Oral Appliance VS A CPAP Machine
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines also help you breath better at night. Unfortunately, though, these machines can be bulky and inconvenient. With this machine, you will wear a mask that helps you receive oxygen as you snooze. Due to its design, many people complain about the discomfort and irritation it can cause. However, this is a helpful solution for people with severe forms of apnea.
For many people, an oral appliance may be able to help. This device helps support your jaw and positions your mouth so that your airways can stay open while you doze. An oral appliance may be less invasive than a CPAP machine and may be able to help treat other problems like bruxism and TMD. This tool will be custom-made based on your measurements so that your unique needs can be targeted.
Schedule An Appointment Today
To find out if an oral appliance can help treat your condition, talk to your dentist today. You can schedule a checkup or other service with Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry in El Paso, TX, by calling 915.759.7000.