Do you have a toothache that doesn’t go away after a day or two? Then your persistent pain could be a sign of tooth decay or possibly an indicator of an infected tooth. Attention is needed to prevent the loss of your tooth and to stop discomfort. In today’s blog, your team at Sunny Smiles talks about toothaches and cavities.
The Link Between Cavities and Toothaches
When your tooth hurts for more than a day, then your ache could be related to a cavity. Toothaches that last a few hours are common if you have a sinus infection, serious allergies, or are traveling in an airplane. But persistent pain often means a cavity and by the time your tooth hurts and feels sensitive, then the decay has reached a more advanced state. The risk of infection and tooth loss has increased, and you need to see the dentist before this occurs. Our team will conduct an examination with digital x-rays, and if we discover a cavity, we will plan filling placement to save your tooth from pain and the risk of loss down the road.
Treatment with a Filling
A dental filling can treat a cavity in only one visit. To get started, our team will carefully examine the smile and then numb the tooth so you’re comfortable as we remove decay from it. We then clean the tooth and prepare and place the filling material. We use composite resin because this metal-free blend of glass-like and acrylic particles can be shaded to blend with the tooth, and also bonds with it. This provides a long-lasting and lifelike solution to cavities. We then polish the tooth to complete the procedure. In one visit, our fillings treat your cavity and prevent further discomfort and lower the risk of an infection.
Taking a Preventive Approach
Afterward, you can take action to help limit the chances of a cavity down the road. With daily brushing and flossing, you remove stray food and drink particles that create plaque buildup and the risk of enamel erosion. You can also cut back on the sugar and starch in your diet to limit plaque buildup, and keep your enamel strong. Be sure you see our team for visits every six months too, so we can watch for signs of cavities and remove all plaque and tartar from the teeth to lower the risk of both cavities and periodontal concerns.
If you have any questions about how we treat tooth decay, then contact our team today to learn more.
When you are ready to schedule an appointment, call the Sunny Smiles office nearest you in El Paso, TX, today at 915.759.7000. Our team is ready to help treat the factors behind your aching tooth and offer relief.